Nextra Essentials

Staff Clocking In System, Timesheet Creation, Payroll Manual Calculations & Rota Planning
At Nextra, we offer a suite of HR software solutions to make workforce management a breeze. These solutions ensure organisational efficiency and ensure the diverse needs of modern businesses are met. Let’s explore the various features Nextra offers right now. Do you find yourself in total turmoil or feeling of anxiety, at that time when you are tasked to perform monthly/weekly HR, timesheets, roster and T&A data reporting and scheduling? Now is the time to reach out to Nextrasoft, to fact-find and discuss how we can improve and alleviate your problems around this very important element within your business. At Nextrasoft, we consist of professional software developers, who cater to all aspects of HCM/WFM. Our in-house teams consist of Platform Developers, Sales, Project Implementation Specialists, and Support Engineers to manage ever-demanding changes in all industries. We provide an unparalleled package of software that will meet and exceed your expectations

The platform can manage all aspects of WFM which includes the key services of Time & Attendance, Rostering, HR, Self Service, Demand Rostering, Payroll, Clocking, and much more.


Nextra in numbers:

Over 25,000+ Staff are processed every day, T&A, HR, Clocking, Rotas, and Payroll
£4.7M in timesheet savings every year, Nextra systems typically pay for themselves in the first year of operation due to the reduction in T&A errors.
£1.6M in management savings every year, Nextra systems can be accessed from anywhere and massively reduce the management overhead associated with T&A processes.

We offer the development of powerful, one-of-a-kind software intended to meet customers’ unique demands. In parallel to developing direct clients, we also work with other software developers who produce complementary technologies and create interfaces for a number of market-leading software vendors.

Nextra is cloud-based (SaaS) so it is accessible with any connected device, be it a tablet, PC, or mobile wherever and whenever you need it. Nextrasoft software packages cater to every industry, due to our unique ability to offer standard and bespoke solutions. Our Standard solution is normally sufficient, as this has a wide range of capabilities built-in that will fit SME/SMB businesses.

The Time & Attendance module offers various facilities to help you calculate hours, manage annualised hours and flexible working schemes as well as the future availability of labour. It enables you to manage clocking and non-clocking of shifts, worked hours, overtime, sickness, holidays and other absences plus detailed reporting

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The rostering feature gives you an efficient way to create shifts, availability, and non-availability for employees across different locations or groups. It enables managers to add absences including sickness and leave through their roster view screen which reports live data immediately once changed.

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The HR module of our software enables you to store employee information in one central database.  It also gives you a comprehensive overview of employee records. The automated document generator enables you to quickly generate personalised documents like contracts, job descriptions and offer letters.

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Demand rostering software helps you align your staffing levels with demand and avoid both understaffing and overstaffing. It can help you cut costs by keeping unnecessary labour costs to a minimum whilst enhancing overall productivity. It also benefits employees by helping you create more predictable schedules, minimise last-minute changes and increase flexibility.  It can also help you stay compliant with regulations around labour, overtime and breaks.

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Nextra allows you to set thresholds for when overtime requests require approval or need to be denied. It also tells you if employees are working too many hours or require extra training or support to enhance their performance. With this feature, you can customise time tracking settings for each of your departments or teams.

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The employee self-service facility enables employees to manage their availability, schedule and workload. It reduces the amount of time that it takes to schedule employees and enables them to take control of their schedules and leave bookings. This minimises the amount of administrative

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Our absence management feature gives you real-time visibility and custom reporting features. It also reduces your administrative burden to save time and money. The feature is designed to help you minimise the impact of absences on your organisation, track and manage absences and prevent absenteeism from causing problems. It also enables you to quickly approve or deny holiday requests.

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Our skills management software helps you to adapt swiftly to changing needs. It will help you identify skills gaps and offer suitable training opportunities to get the most out of your team. It improves the visibility of your employees’ skills to improve decision-making and help you create a high-performing team.

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Try out Nextra today – you won’t regret it!

We offer the development of powerful, one-of-a-kind software intended to meet customers’ unique demands
  • Human Resources

  • Time & Attendance

  • Rostering

  • Absence Management